Early Birds Experiential Program

Aged 3 – 4

Immerse your child in our language program that believes in the power of experiential learning as the best way to acquire Chinese.

Our hands-on, stimulating, and active approach offers a variety of developmentally experiential activities designed to promote early language development and enlightenment.

Engage, Learn, and Bond

Critical thinking and Imaginative Skills Development

Engaging activities like role play encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and imaginative language immersion, enhancing language proficiency and fostering creativity, cultural understanding, and effective expression.


Gross and fine Motor Skills Development

Through engaging hands-on activities infused with Chinese elements, vibrant mandarin music, and expressive dance movements, children not only enhance their language proficiency but also develop their physical coordination.


Social Skills Development

Morning snack time seamlessly integrates with Mandarin Chinese learning to expand vocabulary and promote social skills development. Through interactive activities, children not only learn common Chinese words related to food, flavours, and table manners but also enhance their language skills while enjoying their snacks. This engaging experience fosters not only language proficiency but also encourages social interaction and the development of good manners during mealtime.


Cognitive development

Cognitive development intertwines with Mandarin Chinese learning to foster a bilingual or multilingual mindset, enhancing thinking abilities and language proficiency while exploring concepts like shapes, colours, directions, and cultural aspects, empowering children as effective communicators across languages.


Program Information:

Our Early Birds Experiential Program offers a variety of developmentally experiential activities designed to to promote early language development and enlightenment.

  • Sensory Play 感官游戏

  • Music and Movement 音乐和动作

  • Hands-on Activities 手工活动

  • Fun Storytelling 绘本故事

  • Dramatic Play 角色扮演

  • Socialising During Snack Time 早餐时间社交

We create an engaging environment where language acquisition is both enjoyable and effective.

Class Levels:

  • In-person learning class only: Introduce daily Chinese vocabulary, basic sentence structures, and interactive activities that encourage active participation and communication.

    Snack Time - 15 mins

    Chinese Learning Activities -45 mins

  • Teacher: Student Ratio (each class no more than 10 students)

  • 1:6 or 2:8

  • Adults accompanied required with children aged below 3 years